Came across an interesting article today about the way in which India's public TV operator is using SMS during telecasts of cricket matches. Nothing new, you might think, except that, according to the article, people's responses are being used in a predictive fashion.
Doordarshan [the TV operator] is using SMS interactivity in a very novel way for ODIs against Pakistan. "It is happening in real time, where questions are asked and output is shown in a minute. The viewers are constantly involved in the match and feel a part of decision making with questions like: should no. 5 batsman be moved up? Will the batting side score more than 300? Which next bowler should be brought in, etc," says Singh.
Since I'm not in India, I haven't even seen these new features. So I have no idea whether these predictions and choices are conveyed to the coach/manager in real time and whether they are taken into account for on-the-field decisions. Is anyone monitoring the performance of India's back-seat coaches, I wonder. (Satish: would you comment?)
This is all extremely interesting (and perhaps in a grey area as far as the official ICC rules are concerned?). It could also be a source of competitive advantage for the team with the most knowledgable, enthusiastic fans.
This seems similar to Technology Review's Innovation Futures initiative which aims to predict technology developments by harnessing the intelligence of many "market" participants.
All very interesting.. commonalities exist across:
- The two examples above
- Idol contests in America/India/Singapore/etc
- The Wisdom of Crowds
- My new job!
I'm getting more and more excited about this whole theme. Will aim to post some concrete examples (as far as possible) about my work as well when projects get underway.