Ever since Facebook created the Like button, I've noticed people clicking Like on the most inane of posts. Someone says, "Time for a coffee!" and 7 people click Like in the space of about 17 microseconds. The newsfeed on my Facebook homepage shows that nearly every post has at least one Like attached to it. The rush to Like has only multiplied after Facebook extended the functionality to allow Like-ing individual comments.
That's about the Like-ers. And the Like-ees? Facebook must employ the odd drug-pusher because they certainly know how to get people hooked. Your correspondent certainly needs his fix. I put up a post and wonder who's going to Like it and tot up the score when people actually do and what time of day it is where they are. I wonder whether, if enough people comment on my post, Facebook will promote its placement on newsfeeds so that more people will see it and Like it. And sometimes when someone tells me in person that they enjoyed something I put up, I paste a bland expression on my face, thank them and wonder, inwardly baffled, why they didn't just say so in a Facebook comment and click Like.
What's next? A Dislike button? I certainly know that this addict has craved one sometimes. Not least a Dislike button for the Like button.