Came across a graphic in The Boston Globe that tells us how to nap. This isn't as frivolous as it sounds. Quite sciencey, in fact.
See How to nap for detail.
Something similar at NYTimes back in October: Really? The Claim: For a More Restful Nap, Avoid Caffeine
All of which reminded me of this fascinating book, which provides a look into the bigger theme of synchronicity in nature, napping being just one among several examples:
Sync: How Order Emerges From Chaos In the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life
I highly recommend reading it.
Separately, I read a lot but haven't really put much of this on the blog itself. Changing that from today. See new post category On Murli's Radar (LOTD). Meaning, "Link of the Day". I used to put this stuff on my On Murli's Radar feed but as you may recall, Yahoo decided that good enough ain't good enough. They seem to have fixed the problem since my post but I don't trust them.